
Showing posts from 2018

Donald Trump is not my vision for America

What trump is doing. Two things: He is fanning the flames of division, essentially betting that if his base, approximately half of the electorate has enough fear and motivation, they will vote him in. He is not trying to cross any divide or reach across the aisle. He is attempting to rule by getting a slim plurality to hate and fear the other half. He is succeeding. He is treating the US as a “majority rules” system, which we are to some extent, but that is not the fundamental principle of America. We are grounded by a constitution founded on the rule of law. Our greatest hope is that some portion of those that support trump today realize what he is doing and how it is undermining our nation. I read an article recently that questioned how people could be loyal to trump, when he shows no loyalty towards them. Interesting perspective. It made me think though back to some of the management training or reading I have done over the years. Specifically the PIC-NIC f...

Sea Level Rise

Sea-level has undeniably been rising for the last 10,000 years, since the end of the last ice age. In the 130 years from 1870 to 2000, global sea level rose by about 200 mm. That’s 8 inches. This works out to about 1.5 mm/yr. Between 1950 (when the anthropogenic signature begins) and 2000, sea level rose about 75 mm (3 inches). That’s a pretty decent historical record.   A simple linear extrapolation of this trend gets you to 125 mm by 2100. That is an additional 5 inches or so. I’m not saying that is a good estimate of what will happen, but it’s probably a good starting point. In my view, it is probably towards the low end of what we would expect to see in the next 80 years. In a bay with 6-foot swings in tide twice daily, 5 inches is not going to change anything. According to satellite data since 1993, the rate is about double the historical rate. If that trend were to continue, sea level will be another 10 inches abov...